Church Santa Maria

Via Paese 5
39054 Collalbo - Renon
General description

The modest little church in Maria Saal was built in the mid-1600s and then was expanded in 1719. According to a local legend the miraculous image above the altar had originally hung in a sheep barn. Due to an ever-growing number of pilgrims then finally a church was built. Like many other churches, this one too was closed down under the reign of Joseph II. In 1847, it was re-inaugurated by prince bishop Johannes Tschiderer who celebrated his first mass in Collalbo on August 3rd 1800. Tschiderer was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1996.

The rather particular motive, a fresco of the Madonna with an umbrella, in the round arch between presbytery and nave has contributed to this pilgrimage church’s popularity. The fresco was painted by Alexander Dejaco as an expression of gratitude for his unscathed return from World War I, leaning on the prayer “Under thy shield and protection we seek refuge, o holy mother of God”. This painting also takes on a special meaning as the Renon mountain is a rather arid area, thus its farmers would pray to the Holy Mother for rain in times of great draughts and water scarceness.  

Description to arrive at destination

By car: Bolzano - Renon ca. 20 km Collalbo/Longomoso/Monte di Mezzo.

By cablecar & railway: In Bolzano starts every 4 minutes a cable and in only 12 minutes you arrive to Soprabolzano. There starts every half hour the Renon Train and arrive in 18 minuts to Collalbo. After a walk for 500 minuts you arrive to the view points of the earth pyramids and then to the church Santa Maria in Monte di Mezzo. 

Open all the year: yearlong
For a good togetherness
For a good togetherness
Please show respect to each other. Because nature is there for everyone...
San Genesio
San Genesio
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Together for a sustainable Tschögglberg
Together for a sustainable Tschögglberg
Nature reveals its true beauty when we preserve it untouched. The Tschögglberg with its communities of Hafling, Vöran, Mölten and Jenesien is geographically, geologically and scenically unique. This uniqueness must be protected. For this reason, we - the three tourism associations on the Tschögglberg high plateau (Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000, Mölten and Jenesien) - have decided to make this a central part of our strategy.
San Genesio
Schrann 7
39050 San Genesio