Firefighting Helmet Museum

Schloss Neuhausstraße / Via Castel Neuhaus 7
39030 Gais

Visits between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm or on request by phone (+39 0474 504117)

General description

The fire helmet collection at the helmet museum in Gais is unique worldwide: over 700 splendid fire helmets from all over the world are on show in a museum covering 200 sq. m. The exhibits include, among other things, collector's items made from leather, steel and brass, helmets from Egypt, Thailand, Guatemala, New York and a multitude of other helmets from many different countries. The French helmets, which are made of metal, are especially elaborate, often being decorated with feathers.

Visits only on request by phone!

Open all year round: yearlong
For a good togetherness
For a good togetherness
Please show respect to each other. Because nature is there for everyone...
San Genesio
San Genesio
Embedded in the charming natural scenery of the Salto High Plateau, there is the municipality of S. Genesio, extending at 760 to 1,300 m a.s.l.
Together for a sustainable Tschögglberg
Together for a sustainable Tschögglberg
Nature reveals its true beauty when we preserve it untouched. The Tschögglberg with its communities of Hafling, Vöran, Mölten and Jenesien is geographically, geologically and scenically unique. This uniqueness must be protected. For this reason, we - the three tourism associations on the Tschögglberg high plateau (Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000, Mölten and Jenesien) - have decided to make this a central part of our strategy.
San Genesio
Schrann 7
39050 San Genesio