Gallery Lungomare

Via Weggenstein Straße 3F
39100 Bolzano Bozen
General description

Lungomare, a cultural association founded in Bolzano in 2003, was created from the desire and necessity to open a space in which to share differences, experiences, opinions and desires, a space in which to make the link between cultural production and the political and social dimension. Lungomare undertakes projects that investigate and test possible relationships between design, architecture, urban planning, art and theory, the results of which are presented in different formats: public discussions, conferences, publications, exhibitions and interventions in public spaces. All these formats are characterised by the intention to interact with cultural and socio-political processes relating to the region in which Lungomare is located.

Currently Lungomare’s activities focus on long-term residency projects, a format whereby Lungomare invites guests to engage and interact within the context of South Tyrol. Lungomare’s activities are based on three principles: specific attention to the context in which the association’s projects are undertaken, the transdisciplinary approach that distinguishes these projects, and reflection on the role of Lungomare as a cultural institution in connection with the region in which it operates.

Recommended season
For a good togetherness
For a good togetherness
Please show respect to each other. Because nature is there for everyone...
San Genesio
San Genesio
Embedded in the charming natural scenery of the Salto High Plateau, there is the municipality of S. Genesio, extending at 760 to 1,300 m a.s.l.
Together for a sustainable Tschögglberg
Together for a sustainable Tschögglberg
Nature reveals its true beauty when we preserve it untouched. The Tschögglberg with its communities of Hafling, Vöran, Mölten and Jenesien is geographically, geologically and scenically unique. This uniqueness must be protected. For this reason, we - the three tourism associations on the Tschögglberg high plateau (Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000, Mölten and Jenesien) - have decided to make this a central part of our strategy.
San Genesio
Schrann 7
39050 San Genesio