Scool Museum&Shoemaker workshop



General description

The small but fine School Museum at Tagusens shows visitors and interested people the life of the pupils between the years 1933 and 1993 and is a unique collection of furnishings and teaching documents that have been preserved on site.

The school life in Tagusens did not mean an encounter with the "foreign" world for the "ABC-Shooters". The children in the lonely place knew each other, only the teacher changed year after year. Furnishings and teaching objects were less worn than elsewhere and thus remained intact. Nostalgic feelings and memories are certainly not absent here and seduce to a bygone era.

On the first floor of the school museum can be visited, the old shoe factory from the `50s, of the master shoemaker "Peterlunger Gustl" from Siusi allo Sciliar.


Description to arrive at destination
Tagusens is a fraction of Kastelruth. You drive by car from Kastelruth in the direction of Waidbruck, after 3 km you turn to Tisens/Tagusens and follow the road until Tagusens. The museum is located next to the parish church.
On foot you can reach Tagusens from Kastelruth in about 2 hours, hiking trail nr. 1,1A or 2.
Parking space available
Public transport
You can reach Tagusens by bus 177 ( from Kastelruth or Seis.
Opening hours: 16 aprile - 1 novembre
10:00 - 18:00
14:00 - 18:00
Per un buon affiatamento
Per un buon affiatamento
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San Genesio
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San Genesio
Schrann 7
39050 San Genesio